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Clause Bank: Now with AI-Powered Semantic Search

AI-enabled semantic search has been added to Clause Bank by Smarter Drafter.

Unlike traditional keyword searches, which can often miss nuances and relevant variations, our new search feature understands the semantic meaning behind your queries. This means you can now find clauses that are contextually related to your search terms, even if they don't contain the exact keywords you used.

97% Correct Results

In our testing, the semantic search method yielded a higher number of correct results 97% compared to traditional keyword search 20%, indicating that semantic search is more adept at understanding the context of legal clauses.

Clause Bank

Whether you're looking for specific legal language, variations of a clause, or related provisions, our semantic search ensures you get the most relevant and comprehensive results, saving you valuable time and enhancing the precision of your legal documents.

Included in your Smarter Drafter Subscription

If you haven’t already, getting started with Clause Bank is easy. Accessed via an MS Word add-in, Clause Bank has been designed for rapid implementation.

To assist our users, we have developed several 1-minute tutorial videos that are currently stored in the Help Centre: