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  • Solutions
    By firm size or type:    
    New Menu Icon

    New, Growing & Boutique Firms
    Smarter Drafter delivers immediate results for firms just starting out. Learn more...

    Major Menu Icon

    Mid & Major Firms
    Transform how knowledge is shared and utilised within your firm. Learn more...

    By feature:    
    Instruction Menu Icon

    Reshape your client engagement and move instruction-taking online. Learn more...

    Assembly Menu Icon

    Create complex legal documents in a fraction of the time. Learn more...

    Word Menu Icon

    Complete in MS Word
    Complete the final version in an environment you know. Learn more...

    eSignature Menu Icon

    Send documents for eSigning with just a few clicks. Learn more...

    Save Menu Icon

    Combine document automation with document management. Learn more...

    BYO Menu Icon

    Build Your Own
    Automate your existing precedents with Smarter Drafter's BYO functionality. Learn more...

    Clause Bank Menu Icon

    Clause Bank
    Clause Bank from Smarter Drafter delivers a centralised repository of clauses, with AI-enabled search so every team member has access to accurate and approved legal language. Learn more...

  • Precedents


    Cover all major practice areas and unlock immediate results with Smarter Drafter ‘Essentials’ precedent bank.


    Access precedents dedicated to your specific practice area via Smarter Drafter content partners.


    Build Your Own
    Automate your existing precedents with Smarter Drafter’s BYO capability.

  • Resources
  • Get started


Save time, reduce risk, and stay compliant

Smarter Drafter is a complete automation platform for your practice, enabling you to move beyond tedious and inconsistent document assembly.

From Instruction to eSignature

Automation is now an essential component of any firm's legal tech stack.

Intake Mobile


Reshape your client engagement and move instruction-taking online

Intake Mobile

Invite Your Clients
Why wait for a face-to-face meeting? Have your clients complete an online Q+A on any device. Your clients can provide you with the exact instructions you need for their matter.

Instantly Notified
Stay on top of your client work by being notified as soon as your client has completed the form.

Automatically Populated Forms
Never rekey again. All of the instructions your client has provided are automatically added to the document in Smarter Drafter. The pre-population of instruction data will dramatically reduce your drafting time.


Create complex legal documents in a fraction of the time

Smarter Drafter Document Dashboard

Built-in Guidance
Be taken step-by-step through every document. The online Q+A form dynamically adapts to your answers and prompts you for everything needed to complete the document. Be supported with on-screen prompts, tips and definitions.

Track Your Progress
See exactly where you’re up to. Jump back, move forwards or save and resume at a later stage. Don’t have the information you need? Add a placeholder and pick up drafting from exactly where you left it.

The Right Data, Every Time
Think beyond matter information and integrations with your practice management solution. Smarter Drafter’s online Q+A form checks addresses against Google Maps and ABN details with the Australian Business Registry for absolute accuracy every time. In-built data validation also ensures your dates and calculations are always right.

Smarter Drafter Document Dashboard
Complete in Word

Complete in Microsoft Word

Complete the final version in an environment you know

Complete in Word

Edit in MS Word
Send your first draft straight to MS Word and start editing. The Smarter Drafter Add-In for MS Word, allows you to add any final touches to client documents in an environment you know and trust.

Firm-Wide Clause Bank
From a single sentence to a page of text, create and maintain a firm-wide Clause Bank without ever leaving MS Word. Search, filter and preview to find the clause you need, then one-click insert directly into your document.

Send and Save
When you have completed your edits, simply click to save the final version in Smarter Drafter, file a copy in your practice or document management system and send to your client for eSigning.


Remove the bottleneck of 'wet' signatures

eSignatures Dashboard

A Complete Solution
Keep all of the contract processing in a single platform. eSignatures can be included as part of your Smarter Drafter subscription.

One-Click Send
Remove the need for printing or exporting to third-party applications. Details of signing parties are directly added to documents produced from Smarter Drafter.

Secure Environment
Documents are signed in a secure and encrypted environment that only you and your clients have access to.

eSignatures Dashboard
Integrations Diagram


Combine the best-in-class document automation and document management

Integrations Diagram

PDF, MS Word or Both
All client documents can be reproduced in seconds from the Submissions table. Download a copy in PDF or MS Word or both via a convenient ZIP file.

Send Directly To Your DMS
Maintain client records in a single location. Through seamless integration with your document management system, completed documents can be saved directly to matters.


'Build Your Own' Automated Precedents

Developed specifically for established firms that have already invested in their own precedents, but want the power of automation.

Clause Bank

Book in for a 1-on-1 demo

See what Smarter Drafter could do for your firm.
Book in for a 1-on-1 demo with one of our highly-trained experts.