• Solutions
    By firm size or type:    
    New Menu Icon

    New, Growing & Boutique Firms
    Smarter Drafter delivers immediate results for firms just starting out. Learn more...

    Major Menu Icon

    Mid & Major Firms
    Transform how knowledge is shared and utilised within your firm. Learn more...

    By feature:    
    Instruction Menu Icon

    Reshape your client engagement and move instruction-taking online. Learn more...

    Assembly Menu Icon

    Create complex legal documents in a fraction of the time. Learn more...

    Word Menu Icon

    Complete in MS Word
    Complete the final version in an environment you know. Learn more...

    eSignature Menu Icon

    Send documents for eSigning with just a few clicks. Learn more...

    Save Menu Icon

    Combine document automation with document management. Learn more...

    BYO Menu Icon

    Build Your Own
    Automate your existing precedents with Smarter Drafter's BYO functionality. Learn more...

    Clause Bank Menu Icon

    Clause Bank
    Clause Bank from Smarter Drafter delivers a centralised repository of clauses, with AI-enabled search so every team member has access to accurate and approved legal language. Learn more...

  • Precedents


    Cover all major practice areas and unlock immediate results with Smarter Drafter ‘Essentials’ precedent bank.


    Access precedents dedicated to your specific practice area via Smarter Drafter content partners.


    Build Your Own
    Automate your existing precedents with Smarter Drafter’s BYO capability.

  • Resources
  • Get started


‘Build Your Own’
Automated Precedents

Clause Bank

Unlocking the full potential of automation for Mid & Major law firms.

Clause Bank

Transform how knowledge is shared within your firm

Enable your team to build automations into your existing precedents, adding guidance at every step. Developed specifically for established firms that have already invested in their own precedents, but want the power of automation.

No-Code Automation

No-Code Solution

Accelerate your firms document automation journey with Smarter Drafter

Intake Mobile
No-Code Automation

Point and click builder
Remove the need for specialist coding expertise. With Smarter Drafter’s cloud-based ‘no-code’ visual builder, your existing Knowledge Team can automate even the most complex precedent, adding intricate decision trees, calculations and end-user guidance.

Integrated with Microsoft Word
Through tight integration with MS Word, implement a consistent practice-wide style guide for headings, bullets, numbers, columns and more. Smarter Drafter ‘Builder’ functions are delivered within the Word interface via the Smarter Drafter app.

Fast start
Your team can start gaining the benefits of automation immediately as Smarter Drafter automatically ships with the ‘Essentials’ precedent bank and Australian Court forms.

Customised Automation

Place your expertise in the hands of everyone creating client-facing documents

Customised Automation

Built-in Guidance
Add unparalleled end-user access to partner-level guidance throughout the document assembly process. Include text, image and video advice at every step, offering a transformative experience ensuring end-users make informed decisions and achieve superior document outcomes.

Focus on what is important
Build forms that dynamically adapt to the end user’s responses.
By intelligently skipping irrelevant sections, client documents are faster to produce and easier to review.

Match every scenario
Support a diverse range of input types to cater for every client scenario. Have your Knowledge Team create automations that support a wide range of data needs, including text answers, numbers, phone, email, dates, ABN/ACN, multiple-choice fields, and even file uploads.

Customised Automation

Always Accurate

Say goodbye to rekeying and out-of-date data


PMS & DMS integration
Maintain a single source-of-truth. Smarter Drafter integrates seamlessly with all leading Legal Practice Management solutions, drawing up-to-the minute Client and Matter information into all automations. Then save all completed work directly to any of the leading Document Management Solutions.

Data validation
Deliver field-by-field data accuracy and integrity in every automation. Check dates and numbers, plus in-built validation for addresses, ABNs and ACNs.

Calculation engine
Smarter Drafter includes a powerful calculation engine. The end user simply enters the baseline figures and the calculation engine will do the rest.

Embedded in your Workflow

Add automation seamlessly into your legal-tech stack

Integrated with iManage

Automation everywhere
Embed Smarter Drafter anywhere. Add document assembly to an environment familiar to your end-user. Customise the UI experience to match your brand and tech ecosystem.

Client-facing forms
Facilitate digital client interactions by developing online questionnaires. As clients submit information, it is seamlessly passed to your drafting team, minimising manual data entry and ensuring a more efficient document assembly process.

Integrated with iManage
Built to scale

Built to Scale

Automation that meets the needs of even the largest firm

Built to scale

Centralised management
Standard ‘approved’ document parts, including address blocks, sign offs and payment terms, can be maintained centrally and updated globally.

Analyse everything
From document usage down to individual fields, everything in Smarter Drafter can be reported on. Export ‘transactional’ data to CSV to see usage heat maps or learn trends pertaining to specific data field.

Documents to be proud of

Produce beautifully formatted client-facing, courtroom ready documents that are as easy to read as they are compliant.

Documents Isometric

Your content
Bring your own precedents and turn them into intelligent questionnaires.

Your brand
Maintain brand consistency by adding your firm’s logos, colours and fonts to both instruction-taking forms and documents.

Your style
The way you format documents reflects the style of your firm. Implement a consistent practice-wide style guide for headings, bullets, numbers, columns and more.

Documents Isometric


Book in for a 1-on-1 demo

See what Smarter Drafter could do for your firm.
Book in for a 1-on-1 demo with one of our highly-trained experts.